Building Affinity

Kitchen Products

For most new endeavors, simply being new gets you the attention of those in your target.

You don’t need to spend much on awareness to get people in the door for the first time.

This is counter to most businesses pre-opening advertising budgets and, actually, it’s counter to most advertising strategies, too.

The basic math is that increased awareness means increased sales.

There’s truth to the equation, but only for the short-term.

The real long-term equation is that increased affinity means increased sales.

Building affinity requires a different kind of mindset than building awareness. It’s a mindset of what will get a person back a second or third time – not just the first.

It’s the difference between a buy-one-get-one deal to get people in the door and placing a few stickers and a chocolate in the bag along with the item that was purchased.

It’s the difference between shouting that you’re now open and shaking someone’s hand as you thank them for coming to your venue.

The beauty about affinity tactics is that they are awareness-generating, too, so they become a win-win.

If you think about it, people talk more about what they’ll go back to than what they’ll never try again.

Are you building a brand around that?

Stay Positive & Assess Yourself On Repeats More Than Unique Visits

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Garth Beyer
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