But What Will People Talk About?

What To Remember

Many a marketer and business owner has tried to tell people what to talk about when they talk about the brand.

Time and time again, however, what gets talked about is what the customer wants to talk about.

And, almost always, it’s something the business hadn’t expected to take off in such a way – they were merely being generous or having empathy.

It’s the warm towel on your face when you’re getting your hair washed. It’s the random goonies play card you get in your package. It’s the moment the server took to write down and remember that you’re getting married in a month so she can ask you about it again.

It’s often not about the cheapest price or the best service or the fastest delivery.

While you can’t guarantee what you want will become, as Seth Calls, a purple cow, you can get the heard on what you end up doing will get talked about if you do it generously, with passion, in a way that makes someone feel, in a way that expresses empathy and that no one else is doing.

Stay Positive & Tough, But Worth It

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Garth Beyer
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