Calling All Non-Freelancers

We need you to freelance.

The jobless are – without objection – staying jobless.

Remember the common saying, “the best time to start a business is during a recession?” Well, starting a business is similar to freelancing, but without the vital need of initial high monetary input.

I also believe that no matter your career interest, there is a way to hack it, a way to freelance it. (Worth noting: joblessness also gives you the opportunity to take a different path, start something new. If there was ever a time to say “you have nothing to lose,” that time is now.) For many of those unemployed, turning your expertise into a freelance model will immediately define your profession as a niche.

All that leaves is finding your market: given the internet and the long tail – check, and check.

Unemployment? Spit on it. Jobless? Create yours. Desperate? Take a risk.


Stay Positive & The Unemployment Rate Will Change, Only When You Do

Garth E. Beyer

Garth Beyer
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