This is me 60 years from now. Still not using an umbrella, enjoying the rain, relishing the moment. Even now, on the signs of rain ensuing, I don’t rush for cover, search for a newspaper to place over my head or “stay inside because it’s raining.” I’m not looking down delusionally lost. In fact, I’m purposefully lost; lost in the moment, lost in the rain, content with life. If this picture were a motion one, a moment from now you would see a smile cover my face from thinking how I was the only one really enjoying the rain. I’d get an extra hop in my step. However, my smile would turn into a frown as I looked to my right. I would think to myself if I asked this lady if she loved rain, she would say yes. I would think, if she loved rain, then why are you using an umbrella? To me, it doesn’t just rain water, it rains content, peacefulness, understanding. I’ve often thought about how the clouds wait until they are filled with enough water before they release. The clouds, the earth, the atmosphere aren’t rushing to make it rain. However, we, as people, don’t have the same patience. If we’re going to put effort into anything, we want instant results and give up what we’re doing if we don’t see them. We go for the short-term small investment tiny reward rather than the long-term big investment large reward. If rain was money, wouldn’t you want the saying when it rains, it pours to be true?
Stay Positive & Leave The Umbrella At Home
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