In The Box Podcast

Episode 8: Grunt Work, All-Inclusive Resorts, Misinformation And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about our obsession with time, the importance of symbols to brands, all-inclusive resorts, bitching about grunt work to colleagues, how comedians are truth-tellers, and how we can best prevent misinformation. Enjoy.

Episode 8: Grunt Work, All-Inclusive Resorts, Misinformation And More

Not bitching about grunt work – Does bitching about grunt work help you connect with others or does it hurt their view of you?

Symbols – How important are symbols to a brand?

All-inclusive resorts – Are all-inclusive resorts really all-inclusive?

Comedians – Can we take a minute to recognize how important they are to a healthy society?

Time – How obsessed should we be with time? and why are people so obsessed with time?

(Mis)information – What are the best ways to prevent misinformation from being spread?


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In The Box Podcast

Episode 7: Disney Movie Secrets, Print Advertising, Vacations And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we did things a bit different. In addition to talking about email scams, what it’s like to not be surprised anymore, and how to relax on vacation knowing there’s work to be done when you get back, we brought forth a few internet resources to help guide a discussion around Disney movie secrets, terrible (and great) print ads, and beer labels. You can find the links below. Enjoy.

Episode 7: Disney Movie Secrets, Print Advertising, Vacations And More

Disney Movies – Why do you think Disney puts so many secrets in their movies? Just to make secret finders happy? Link to a list of Disney movie secrets

Print advertising – Why are there still terrible print ads? Link to 30 awesome print ads in 2014

Beer labels – Do you think using vulgar names or label images degrades the beer (or even the whole beer industry)? Link to offensive beer labels

Email scams – How the hell are email scams still a thing?

Surprises – How often do you find yourself surprised by something?

Vacations – Are you able to relax on vacation knowing you have a lot of work waiting for you when you get back?


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In The Box Podcast

Episode 6: Relationship Marketing, Institutions & Systems, Keeping Memories And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we shared views on memorabilia, discussed if it’s true you need to know someone at a company to get a job there, talked about having a plan B, ranted about academic writing, fashion standards, and institutionalization. Enjoy.

Episode 6: Relationship Marketing, Institutions & Systems, Keeping Memories And More

Memorabilia – Is there a significant point to retaining memories through objects and other memorabilia?

Relationship Marketing – The only way to get a decent job is to know someone who works there. True? False?

No plan B – Are people who resort to Plan B, changing their destination, weak?

Academia – Why do a lot of academics write in a way that is difficult to grasp if you are not a scholar in their field?

Fashion – Can you wear blue with black?

System vs. Individual – Does blaming the system/institution too easily excuse the actions of people within a system/institution?


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In The Box Podcast

Episode 5: Stealing At The Bookstore, Being Vulnerable, Planning Ahead And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we dove into some big ideas and a lot about books.

We chatted about scarcity still being an issue and why it always will be, the advantages and disadvantages of planning ahead, how to handle agents (book, music, etc,.), unique things to add in a book, if it’s stealing to read a book at a bookstore, and why vulnerability makes you beautiful. This is a packed episode. Enjoy.

Episode 5: Stealing At The Bookstore, Being Vulnerable, Planning Ahead And More

Scarcity – Is scarcity (food, clothing, shelter) still an issue in 2015? if so, why?

Plans – What are the advantages and disadvantages of planning ahead?

Agents – If you have an agent, how do you handle them not understanding your value?

New uses for book – What’s something new you can do with a book?

Vulnerability – What Does being vulnerable mean? Does vulnerability make you beautiful?

Is it stealing? – Is reading a book at a bookstore stealing?


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In The Box Podcast

Episode 4: Transparency, Exhaustion, Storytelling And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about customization, citizen journalism, storytelling in business, humanities desire to conquer more, video games, and transparency.

Episode 4: Transparency, Exhaustion, Storytelling And More

Customization — Do you think for a product or service it has to have a completely customizable option?

Citizen Journalism — What is the point of citizen journalism? Big ideas will get out to the public anyway, right? (do we need to define citizen journalism?)

Storytelling In Business – Would you say it’s essential to tell a compelling story if you’re a business? Why or why not?

Conquering more and more and more… — What piece of the human condition triggers the desire to continually conquer land?

Video games – What is the appeal?

Transparency – When is it a problem?


Stay Positive & See My Q&A For Transparency

In The Box Podcast

Episode 3: Robots vs. Humans 2, Customer Service, Disruption And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we continued the conversation of robots versus humans, we chat about bad customer service, start a narrative around masculinity, explore the value (or lack of) of Instagram and play with disruption.

Episode 3: Robots vs Humans 2, Customer Service, Disruption

Instagram — What is the value of Instagram?

Robots over humans in service industry — Do you see robots or computer programming dumbing down the service experience of a business?

Bad customer service — Tell me about a bad customer service experience … what would you have done?

Alcohol in Madison — Best place to enjoy an adult beverage in Madison

Narrative around masculine strength — How courage is portrayed in relation to masculinity?

Disruption — Best time for it? worst time for it?


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In The Box Podcast

Episode 2: The Daily Me, Workplace Hierarchy, Streaking And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box podcast, we talked about the narrowing of journalism, customer acquisition for startups, a bit about ice hockey, restaurants in Madison, the computerization of the workforce, and the importance of feedback in the chain of command in a company.

Episode 2: The Daily Me, Workforce Hierarchy, Streaking

Ice Hockey – “Good isn’t good enough when better is expected.” What do you think of this?

Restaurants – Favorite restaurant in Madison in terms of bang for your buck?

Startups – What’s the first best move a new business can take to get more customers?

Journalism – How do you feel about the narrowing of information? Is only seeing what you like bad for society?

Computerization of the workforce – Are we overlooking the leverage imbalance created by the computerization of the workforce?

Workplace Hierarchy – How important is chain of command in a company?


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