A Story To Add

Most of the day-to-day we go through is quite mundane.

Same can be said for what others go through that involves us, too.

Unless, of course, we decide to add a story.

The hotel receptionist on a recent work trip used the minute that he was processing payments and setting up the hotel room keys to share a goofy story about how there was a guest that checked in only wearing a pool tube and then released a massive scorpion in his room. The story was a bit out of left field, no punch line, etc.,

But of the options between that story and pure disconnected silence between us for that minute, the story experience wins.

What do you do when you buy groceries? When you’re making your coffee? When you’re backing out of the garage?

There’s no shortage of mundane moments.

Stay Positive & Tell A Story (Or Two) Today

Over-communication And Advertising

There’s no such thing as over-communication.

You can’t be proactive with your significant other, your boss or your neighbors. Where there’s a connection, there’s an expectation of care. Communication shows you care.

There is, however, a point of no return when it comes to advertising.

You can’t serve the same ad and message to people whom are not relevant for it again and again and again.

Not to say you don’t annoy either. (My wife is annoyed at how much I’ve talked to her about the motorcycle I’m getting.)

But the biggest difference is that when you over-communicate, it shows you care.

When you over-advertise, it shows the opposite.

Stay Positive & Which Are You Doing More Of Lately?

How Much They Care

There’s a lot in this life that’s a recipe for mental destruction.

Comparing where you’re at to others is one of them.

While I don’t know personally, cocaine seems like one.

Supporting certain activists seems to do the trick, too.

One more I’ll note: expecting anyone to care about something as much or more than you do. They won’t.

The restaurant owners who are upset about their managers not caring as much about the shop as they do… it never leads to anything positive for the owner. Quite the opposite actually.

Here’s the thing about people who care as much as you do or more. They exist, but they’re doing their own thing. They’re not working at your restaurant. They are starting their own.

Stay Positive & Good Thing You Don’t Actually Need Them To Care That Much

Investments Mentioned

Here’s a fun activity: list out the things you’ve invested in in the last couple of years.

Next to that, take an educated guess at how many times you mentioned each in that same time.

Did those running shoes you purchased come up in conversation a dozen+ times as you told people about how you got them to train for a half-marathon?

Did that espresso machine get mentioned as part of how you’re promoting the expansion of your business?

How many times does that sales program you invested in get mentioned at your company?

You can measure mentions, not just on a social network. But the indicator of the number of mentions is the same. More = value output.

Stay Positive & What Will You Do About Those With Few Mentions?

Speed Will Always Be A Spectator Sport

MotoGP racing is remarkable. No one is going to watch a motorcycle drive 5mp through the Isle of Man regardless of how beautiful the track is.

Your boss won’t watch or notice you work if your colleague is faster to executing ideas than you. Harsh truth is that’s the case even if your idea is better.

Insights from the Silicon Valley mindset, Jonathan Taplin hit the nail on the head when he titled his book “Move fast and break things”

We can argue all day about the actual effectiveness of it, but we can’t argue about the reality that speed is a spectator sport. People watch people who move fast and break things. Actually, they do more than watch. They cheer. They promote. They advocate for.

If we want to move forward, to be chosen, to do something remarkable, it has to be seen.

Stay Positive & Speed Gets Seen

By Example

There’s really no more powerful way to lead than by example.

Smarts, experience, years, knowledge, and awards only gets you so far with your sphere of influence.

But if you want someone completely on board with your leadership, you have to lead by example.

It doesn’t mean you have to sign up to always do the work, but at least once and visibly.

The bar owners needs to be seen mopping the floors.

The sales leader needs to close a deal.

The event organizer needs to host one for her own team.

Could you imagine signing up to listen to someone talk about writing a book from someone who hasn’t?

Why would we accept anything less in any other area of work?

Stay Positive & Do You Have Your Example?

Ya Can’t Be Mad

Ya can’t be mad if you didn’t do the reading.

Can’t be mad if it didn’t go as planned (it never does).

Ya can’t be mad if the deadline isn’t met.

Can’t be mad someone else didn’t do it the way you would.

This list can go on forever for two reasons.

  1. even when something is bad, you have the choice to find something positive in it. Ya can’t be mad about something that makes you better.
  2. you may not have complete control of an outcome, but you can always influence it. That’s on you.

That’s not to say be endlessly hunky dory. It’s more of a scenario of either being happy or focused on forward movement rather than happy or mad.

Stay Positive & What’ll It Be Today?