At The Ready

Being at the ready isn’t just a decision you make; it’s a skill.

When people say they are “lucky;” it actually means they were at the ready.

When a baseball players is in the field, they are in a constant state of ready.

Want to know how to be a remarkable baseball player?

Be at the ready when you’re off the field too.

Stamina isn’t just about endurance of work; it’s also a consistency of state of mind.

Stay Positive & Ready?


Chances are likely you spent about 1,200 hours looking at your phone last year. Do you remember much of what you saw?

Betting person would bet you also spent about 800 hours watching television (actually watching; not to be confused with having it on while adding to the hours above).

Months after, can you recall the connections you made or how you felt after hour 134?

The average person spends about 200 hours per year worrying.

Can you measure how far all that worrying had gotten you last year?

Perhaps a good resolution going forward is to do less wasting and more investing.

Stay Positive & Let’s Get To Executing It

What Others Think

When it comes to morality, it pays to consider what others think of your actions.

While we can think rationally about why we shouldn’t litter when on the highway; it’s not nearly as effective as there being a car right behind you that could watch you do it and judge you. In that context, it’s helpful to care what others think.

When it comes to practice performance, however; it pays to ignore what others think of your actions.

If you’re learning to skate, it doesn’t serve you to think about what others on the ice think of how well (or poorly) you’re skating. You’re there to practice. To do you. To perform in the only way that you can perform right now.

It’s a tricky talent, but being able to turn the switch of caring what others think or not is a talent worth acquiring on your journey to excellence in your craft.

Stay Positive & Then It’s About Knowing When To Use It

A Considered Choice

That’s what most choices are these days.

Even when we don’t think they’re considered.

Nike isn’t what Nike used to be. There’s a lot of competition of choice.

And in the scenarios we think there’s unaided awareness, there’s always that part of your brain that wonders if you made the right choice. One might call that after-choice consideration.

Were the flowers I got from Trader Joe’s the best option I could (should?) have gone with?

Marketing is a balance of awareness tied to validation (after choice) and consideration (before choice).

Marketing is always there.

Stay Positive & In One Sense, There’s No Such Thing As Unaided Awareness (Or At Least It’s A Fool’s Goal)

Two Kinds Of Leaders

There’s the leader (or leadership, really… most of the time it’s a group of people) that look inside the industry, at the balance sheet or merely at the horizon of the company to make decisions.

That works for some models… typically private equity, someone looking to sell quick, or an in-and-out leader. It works in the short run.

The long run, however, requires a leader (and yes, most of the time, it is just a leader and not all the execs) that look outside the industry, beyond the horizon to a point that it requires imagination, and a view of the balance sheet to determine how much of an investment the company can make.

Stay Positive & Which Leader Are You? Which Do You Want To Work Under?