Becoming Content

No, not the kind of content that one creates or that this blog is. Content as in a peaceful state of mind.

Becoming content isn’t about getting others to align with your idea or motivation (though it can help).

It’s more about understanding and accepting where everyone else is (in that order, specifically).

You may not need to do more convincing to become content in your work or life; it might just be more listening and empathizing.

Stay Positive & It Takes Two Variables To Become Content

After It’s Gone

I’ve always been fascinated at how medicine that is prescribed is often enough to last beyond when the systems appear gone.

It’s an effective practice, not just medically, but with other projects, too.

After you think you’ve truly surprised and delighted someone, how can you continue a bit more?

After a purchase is complete, how do you continue adding value?

Stay Positive & What Happens After It’s Visibly Gone?


Some stickers come off easily.

Others require nail polish remover (with acetone, btw).

One thing is the same about the stickers though: the stickiness was intentional.

How sticky your product or service is shouldn’t be an afterthought. It’s not a result you hope for. Nor is it something that’s left in the air or to fate.

Stickiness is intentional.

Stay Positive & How Are You Intending It To Stick?

Follow Up Question

There are powerful questions you can start with.

But none are as powerful as the follow up.

There’s a reason after you ask why, you should ask why again.

The follow up question is also an indicator of you giving a damn; you’re not just taking something at face value; you’re scrutinizing with curiosity.

Stay Positive & Questions Ought To Always Come In Twos