The less you’re attached, the more likely you’ll switch, and the more you’ll experience.
This is every marketer’s challenge: to convey a remarkable experience that doesn’t die down.
Dyson makes pulling out the vacuum an enjoyable task. Every. Damn. Time.
Flipping through songs on your iPod never gets boring.
Having a dedicated mug to yourself makes drinking beer (any beer) more fun.
So much is marketed as a one-and-done product, an item of instant gratification, a service of use or lose, and all to the dismay of the maker when she sees customers changing their minds, upgrading, and converting to her competitors.
However, it’s not always a matter of an inferior product or service. More often, it’s that we’re not telling the story right. We’re putting too much emphasis on the “try this” part than we are on the “every time you use it you will feel ____” part.
A remarkable product makes a customer feel like they are part of the change, and, that alone will halt them from trying something else.
Stay Positive & Does Your Customer Know What Change They’re Part Of?
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- The 1% Marketing Strategy - February 26, 2025
- A Product Marketing Pulse - February 25, 2025
- As If You’re The Expert - February 24, 2025