Content Blenders

There’s the content that reaches the top of Google and gets to the person who typed in the exact question you’re answering. They clicked to your content but told no one.

There’s the content that reaches a few people and wows them–not with a breaking news piece, but the exact opposite. They clicked to your content and sent it to a friend that shares their appreciation for the topic.

Too often marketers try to blend the two content types for a piece of super content. How do you infuse SEO into a story? How do you create an emotional connection in less than 250 characters?

While it might get achieved and work for some (to me it’s sort of like winning a scratch ticket, it happens, but it’s rare you ever win BIG), it’s a far smarter strategy to treat different people differently.

Rather than see how much you can blend in one content piece, get another blender and make something specifically for them.

Stay Positive & Maybe Grab A Few Blenders While You’re At It

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Garth Beyer
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