Critical Path Malfunction

Critical Path

The problem with leading the critical path is that we often follow it.

And following, is much different than leading.

Following is to go in order, to walk the dotted line, to lean on the deadlines.

Leading is thrashing early in support of each step on the path; it’s setting every station up for success.

It’s having the paperwork ready. It’s mocking up what success in that step could look like even though it’s not in your job description. It’s finding ways to save others time for the sake of the project at large (and their sanity).

The schedule is never the schedule as long as we’re willing to stretch, step out of our comfort zone (or sequence of stage), and thrash early.

The critical path in project management is great, but could it be better?

Stay Positive & That’s Up To You

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Garth Beyer
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