Death Of Lamination

I love the idea that laminators may be going extinct.

I love it because folks are realizing two things:

  1. What works today may not work tomorrow. No point in investing the time in laminating a sign that won’t likely be used five years, one year, five weeks or even a day from now.
  2. We know variety is key; and not only does that include the variety of messages, but the means of communicating them too.

There’s a better way to communicate to the neighborhood about a yard sale. There’s more certificates of achievement to get than the one we used to laminate. That family member isn’t going to believe we care if we don’t send them an annual card, handwritten card. Inventory is purposefully changed on the regular in the shop down the street.

If you’re using a laminator, it’s worth pausing to consider what impact it really has on your business or project or guest experience.

Stay Positive & New Is Always Better Anyway

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Garth Beyer
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