Determination In Your Eye


It’s a real thing. People can see the lens in which you view your world.

When you see each opportunity and obstacle in front of you as a means to your greater end, other people notice.

When you remain positive through an experience, spotlighting the lesson to learn and not the setback, people recognize it.

While the opinions of others (especially the naysayers) shouldn’t deter you from following your heart, I find it beneficial to ask questions like:

If I were on the outside looking in, would I see that determination in my eyes?

If I were that 10-year-old boy watching me work, would I be inspired?

Am I charting my path in a way that would allow the next person to follow my footsteps and build off what I’ve created or, better yet, push me to be better?

There’s always someone watching. Do you know what they see?


Stay Positive & Let Objectivity Drive You Further

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Garth Beyer
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