“Don’t Steal My Idea”

In nearly ever entrepreneurial group I visit, there’s always someone concerned with another stealing their idea. Here’s a quick list of why it doesn’t matter.

  1. Anyone that could possibly steal your idea and turn it into reality before you undoubtedly needs to pitch it to someone for their approval or investment. And… to pitch it, they need to put a lot of work into it.
  2. If someone cared about the idea you have as much as you, they would have done it already.
  3. Even if someone does steal your idea and executes it before you, there’s a 100% chance that it won’t match what you envisioned. (They’ll go through the process of choosing a different contractor/vendor, different staff, different designs, different missions and core values, different everything.)
  4. If someone wants to steal your idea, I say good. You’ve got two choices, hide and don’t execute your idea or find a way to make yours even better than theirs.
  5. Along those same lines, let them steal the idea so you can watch what NOT to do with your idea.
  6. No one has gotten rich off an idea. Anyone can have the same idea as you and neither will benefit. That is, unless someone acts on it.
  7. If someone seems interested in stealing your idea, get to know them. They might become the best partner or supporter of that idea.
  8. You will have to share your idea to the world before it truly comes to fruition. You’ll want people to sign up in advance or the media will want to know what you’re planning or you’ll need to pitch it to some investors or people at your work are going to ask what you did over the weekend.

If you need more reasons to not care about an idea getting stolen, let me know.

Stay Positive & Better To Simply Focus On Bringing The Idea To Life

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Garth Beyer
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