Everybody’s Got It

Rowing Passion

Fears are a pretty common thing and we connect on them often.

Most of the time a group gets together, discussion around the latest concern or worry ensues.

I’d press for another conversation to happen regarding something else everybody’s got.

The side hustle. The big dream. The passionate hobby.

Whatever you call it (and you know what yours is), everyone around you has one, too.

Rarely will you see a face light up like you will when you talk to someone about something they’re passionate about on the side.

And it’s interesting to consider that frame of reference.

Side hustle rather than in-front-of-you hustle.

It’s close to the heart, it’s a companion, it’s attached to you.

No wonder people light up when they talk about it.

Stay Positive & All It Takes Is A Question Or Two

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Garth Beyer
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