Feeling Inadequate

Feeling Inadequate

Some people, when they read a book from Seth Godin, feel inadequate. They feel like they’re not doing enough. They feel lazy.

Might this be the case for you without Godin?

Do you find yourself talking to a friend, hearing all that they’re up to and then feeling guilty about spending your weekend watching Netflix and not chasing your dreams?

If so. Watch Bob Newhart and listen closely.

Inadequacy is most felt when you compare two things that ought not be compared.

Here’s the behind-the-scenes fact of those you’re feeling lazy compared to: they sacrifice a lot.

They sacrifice a lot to do what they’re doing.

They may be killing it at work, but they don’t have as much family time as you.

They may be off traveling the world, but they’re making acquaintances, not life long friends that will stand next to you at the altar.

It’s not fair to you or the person you’re comparing yourself to when you feel not good enough or lackadaisical. They may be looking at you, thinking about how you’ve got something great in your life that they’re missing out on.

Comparing yourself to others isn’t worth the ego boost when they’re doing less than you and it’s not worth feeling inadequate when they’re doing more than you. You’re not the same. It’s not apples to apples.

Better to compare where you are at now to where you want to be later, not where others are or will be.


Stay Positive & “Stop It!”

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Garth Beyer
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