
I recently sent a video to a journalist. She was in the video. Not the main focus, but she was the MC of it. She responded with an apology about how fidgety she was. 10+ people had already reviewed the video, including myself, and no one noticed that detail.

Seth Godin accidentally wore two nearly identical – but still different – shoes on stage and it’s all he could think about. Did anyone who attended his speech notice? Nah. They were enamored with the speech he showed up to give.

If you’re selling sedatives, the fidgeting might matter. If you’re selling shoes, wearing a matching pair might matter, too.

But most of the things we focus on about ourselves don’t align with what others are focusing on us for.

Don’t let the fidgeting distract you from what you showed up to actually offer.

Stay Positive & Focused On The Goal

Photo credit

Garth Beyer
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