A PR pro with more than 30+ years experience reminded me of these tips in a 10 minute chat we had. They’ve helped me develop my PR credentials and thought they’d help you too.
1) Find the potential in everything
To find the potential, you have to be interested, to be interested, you have to be curious.
Even dust can be exciting. You know how when you clean the dust off an object it feels new, it’s like you’ve given life to the object again? Dust is sorta neat that way isn’t it?
2) Have the guts to get into a brand
You might not be interested in what the brand offers, but you’ll never be able to help it grow unless you become one with the brand.
See first tip.
3) Be brave enough to have weird conversations
The best way to learn how a brand can help people is to learn about people, which sometimes requires you to have weird conversations.
Jeane, the PR pro who reminded me of these tips, retold a story about how she was at a convention and talked to a dominatrix for more than an hour. Jeane learned more about how strongly pride plays a role in the choices people make in that hour chat than what she could Google in an hour.
Most weird conversations only start weird, which can be scary. Whenever I’m pitching, the first few sentences with someone feel so weird, but once there is just one episode of back and forth conversation, the weird dissipates. Be brave.
4) Learn about stuff you have not lived
Not only does it give you insight into people you may be working to get the attention of, it also provides conversation topics for any event, and we know how important being liked and relatable is.
I have not lived through a new business pitch that I didn’t pitch to the client face-to-face on their home turf, but I have learned that not visiting the client on their turf has led to an agency not winning their business.
See third tip.
Stay Positive & People Do Business With People (They Like)
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