I often take for granted you know who I am. You get an idea of what goes through my head on my blog and even on my about page, but there’s more to it.
Name is Garth Everett Beyer. I work in the public relations and marketing industry. My big belief is I want people to know they can do remarkable work. On GarthBox I teach people how to connect with others to leverage their work, to do the work that matters, and to, quite simply, happily create art. I teach confidence and risk-taking and professional/personal development.
The work I’ve done has spanned from sales to HR to leadership to business strategy to marketing. I’ve failed plenty of times, but I’ve learned enough from others’ failures that I seem to be doing alright on my own as a freelancer.
I have a girlfriend who grounds me. Nothing irks me more than entrepreneurs who are in relationships that they let crumble after starting a business. In the future, I want to help new business owners to make sure their relationships stay strong.
Outside the realm of marketing I am big into three things: ice hockey, craft beer, and exercise. Hockey is the sport I wish my parents would have forced me into when I was younger. I have found beer brewers to be the nicest people in the world. Tony Horton inspired me to get active and I’ve done a handful of other workouts regimes since. (Currently doing Body Beast and the Tim Ferriss diet.)
My mom was a personal trainer for awhile, so I’ve got that knowledge from her. And both parents have shown me how possible it is to have a job and a money-making hobby at the same time. I currently work full-time for the state of Wisconsin as a Grant’s Specialist (fancy way of saying I give money to kids to go to college) while I do freelance work.
I believe in the saying “to each, their own.” I’m fascinated by spiritual concepts and different belief systems, but at the end of the day I follow one religion: the Garth Religion.
I love to read fiction, but I rarely do because I love to read non-fiction marketing-type books more. But I will never pass up a chance to read some Kurt Vonnegut or Tom Robbins.
I always answer the question of what is your favorite X, Y or Z with the most recent movies, music, food, etc,. I enjoyed.
I firmly believe that everything always works out so I don’t worry about much. I’m pretty weird and people tend to laugh at the things that unintentionally come out of my mouth. I’m terrible at manufacturing humor. I never say “hate,” and I try to connect with someone new everyday.
This is who I am. At least at the time of writing this.
Stay Positive & Pleasure To Meet You, And You Are?
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