Giving Advice

When To Stop Giving Advice

There’s a lot I can give advice on that you may be of interest to you.

Starting a business

Crafting a touch point plan

Developing a strategy

Traveling to a foreign country

Thinking differently

Writing more than you thought you could

Buying your first house

What business books to read

How to balance love life and work life

How to keep lean

I can give advice on these things because I’m living them. They’re in my short-term memory. They’re experiences from yesterday, from today and from tomorrow. Many of them are recent successes.

On the other hand, there’s a lot of advice that I can’t give anymore because it’s old.

I started a blog four years ago. Things were so different then.

I ran an arcade business, painted houses, wrote a book, got buff. As more time passes, the less of what I know stands true. There have been so many improvements in every industry, so much new tech and product, and – to my dissatisfaction – everything I have done has all since been made easier to do.

Advice is like fruit, it’s best when it’s fresh. The next time you’re being given advice on something, ask that person when the last time they did what they’re advising on. Then you’ll know how much weight it ought to carry.

And while I’m putting down advice, I’m not putting down storytelling or personality or connection. By all means, learn from and connect with people who have done remarkable things because at the end of the day, any work worth doing is still going to throw fear and hard work and critics at you.


Stay Positive & Stand Up For What Works Now, Not 19 Years Ago

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Garth Beyer
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