An artist makes it look easy to others.
At dinner the other night with friends and our daughters, someone said how great they are while eating out. I couldn’t help but laugh. We made it look easy. They didn’t see the conversations we had about timing of dinner, the analysis of the toys we brought, the food schedule we applied, the seating placement we considered, the expectation-setting we had in the car leading up to it, the amount of steps we put in to tire them before dinner….I could list another dozen decisions we made to ensure a smooth dinner.
That’s the work of an artist who knows what they want, though.
A friend of mine is an actual artist (the kind of artist you thought when you read the post title). He’s been quoted in the local newspaper about how easy he makes spray painting look. But I’ve seen behind the scenes. I’ve been someone he’s vented to about how much work he’s put into just being able to afford better cans of paint so his work looks better. …Again, I could give a laundry list.
That’s the work of an artist who knows what they want, though.
It merely begs one question: are you an artist that knows what you want?
Stay Positive & Keep Makin’ It Look Easy
- Attaching Data - February 21, 2025
- It Only Gets Harder - February 20, 2025
- It’ll Feel Awkward - February 19, 2025