How Do You Help Me

How Do You Help

Not what do you do.

Not what do you sell.

Not how larger your distribution network is.

How do you help me.

Not everyone.

Not the person before me.

Not the people four months from now.


When you look at your work through the lens of helping one person at a time, your return on investment is infinite (or at least exponential to the number of those you serve).

The moment you start to calculate who is worth your time, act as if it’s a game, set aside your values for the sale, lie, cheat and look at the work you do through the lens of how every person can help you–that’s when you find yourself in a downward spiral to oblivion.

So I’ll ask once more, how do you help me?


Stay Positive & One. Person. At. A. Time.

Photo credit

Garth Beyer
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