How Your Answer

How You Answer

With enough insight and forward thinking, we arrive at an answer to many a problem.

We have the answer to increasing sales or the answer to flipping a house.

We find the answer to a frustrating coding problem and the answer to becoming an IG influencer.

Yet, an answer – for some reason – is only as strong as how you share it.

The tendency for most is to blurt it out. After all, usually a lot of time has been spent on figuring something out, so out of excitement and relief we yell it out.

But yelling out the answer doesn’t get others to move with you. It doesn’t make them part of the solution. It doesn’t get them excited.

(Remember in elementary school when someone would forget to raise their hand, blurt out the answer and the rest of the class would look at that person with serious disapproval? The working environment is much the same.)

Best to consider how you answer, how you share the solution, and, more importantly, how you shape the story of it.

Nothing is quite so motivating as an elegantly shared answer. An answer swaddled with story is something we can all get behind.


Stay Positive & Gives New Meaning To Show & Tell, Doesn’t It?

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Garth Beyer
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