“I think that’d be really difficult”

I had an idea for an app, much like the Google Goggles. It came to me after I saw a wicked font on a banner. I thought to myself, why not create an app that takes pictures of a font and can match it for you. It’s like Shazam for writers and designers. In addition, it would link you to websites where you can download or purchase that font.

I pitched the idea to a friend, and my friend said, “I think that’d be really difficult. There are so many and most are licenses/pretty expensive”

So is anything else of value. My friend obviously isn’t into the risk taking, or the “if there is a will, there is a way” mindset, or even into the idea of just giving it a try.

I couldn’t help myself but reply back, “Yea, but nothing worth it ever came easy.” If anything, because his response was such, I am even more convinced that it could be a phenomenal product. What do you think? Have any ideas yourself? Do you get this type of response when you pitch them to friends? I hope so.


Stay Positive & So It Goes

Garth E. Beyer

Garth Beyer
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