If It’s Only Once

It doesn’t pay to invest in someone to help you develop a budget. The main reason? A budget is meant to be done again and again and again. Revisited. Edited. Updated with life and goals. It actually pays more to get good at it yourself.

Doing the flower arrangement for your wedding yourself? It’s simply not worth it. (Okay exception being if you actually LOVE flower arrangements and can already tell me you know the difference between buttercups, spearworts and water crowfoots in the Ranuculus family…)

I had to go through this analysis recently regarding editing a novel. I’ll probably write another one or two in my lifetime but it will be awhile before I would even get to editing it again. Editing a novel, specifically, is an incredible skill. It’s one – after trying to do it myself, and doing meh – that fits in the “only once” category for me… meaning, I’ve hired a professional.

Visiting Thessaloniki once? Hire a guide. Crafting a newsletter for your business? Do it yourself.

Where to draw the line is pretty clear. It’s the drawing it part that takes guts.

Stay Positive & Know When To Invest

Garth Beyer
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