Improving Frequency Cont.

One more thought came to mind about improving frequency of messages.

After improving your message, the next best move you can make is to remove those who have acted on your message so 1. you don’t waste your ad dollars or time and energy put toward your communications campaign and 2. so you don’t turn the person you’ve converted into one that won’t ever again.

It might take seeing a message about an upcoming concert three times to get a person to act, but once they do, it’s the most annoying experience (and again, a waste of resources) to be hit with another message encouraging one to do what one already has.

This is time consuming to do. It likely requires getting a few systems to talk with one another. It might even require some manual editing (for now).

But damn, is it worth it in regard to saved resources and a greater likelihood of creating a loyalist out of someone who has converted.

Stay Positive & Don’t Waste Awareness

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Garth Beyer
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