Initiative Groups

Some call them mastermind groups. I think they’re something more than that.

A friend recently asked if school was worth it to me because we were playing with the idea about going back.

I had said I learned more from the groups of people I hung out with after class than any class, professor or TA.

When I think back to an early highlight of last year, it’s the lunch I had with six professionals in the area. We all left that lunch taking initiative with our lives, our careers, our clients.

If you would like to be invited to a lunch like this, where you leave not just thinking of great ideas, but with the willingness to apply them, simply send me a note:

For those in the Madison area, we’ll be meeting in person. For those not in the Madison area, we’ll connect over


Stay Positive & Let’s Stop Waiting And Start Connecting

Garth Beyer
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