Inspiration, Pain And Flow

The famous Chuck Close had said that inspiration is for amateurs. Professional show up and get to work. All evidence around inspiration zeroes in on the fact that inspiration follows the work we do. It shows up after we do, not before.

Work that’s meaningful is always painful. It’s a natural phenomenon of yin and yang. This makes discomfort you feel a sign that you’re going in the right direction; that you’re pushing on status quo; that you’re getting close to the edge.

Believe it or not, flow isn’t about momentum or that moment inspiration cares to join you in your efforts. Flow is when you’re in the moment, letting worries and distractions float on by you. (Not that you don’t acknowledge them, but that you do and let them go versus pull you away from your work.) You can also call flow mindfulness.

Every professional and artist dances with these three elements. If you haven’t danced with them lately, it might be high time.

Stay Positive & Thank You For The Work That Matters

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Garth Beyer
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