Layers Of Communicational Impact At Work

Team Effort

Like a long-distance relationship, work can be done between remote locations.

That’s why there’s Zoom, Slack, Skype and Microsoft Teams.

But just as what’s required from the long-distance relationship, both parties at work need to put in the effort, time and care into communicating across the distance.

Alas, the work gets done, but more often than not, it’s only good enough work.

The next layer of communication is a bit deeper and more personal. It involves close proximity and the ability for face-time, but more often than not, one party still sends an email, and if it’s important, maybe a phone call.

The result is better work because the feedback loop is tighter and the connection to one another is stronger by geographic nature. So, unlike the long-distance interactions, you can more clearly sense the team effort, efficiency and 2X the care.

The third, more meaningful layer involves close proximity and proactive face-to-face communication. This includes the drive-bys, the running into one another throughout the work space, the in-person meetings and, more often than not, work sessions with all parties involved.

No work is better than work done by a team whose sum is greater than all its parts.


Stay Positive & Give Sending An Email A Second Thought

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Garth Beyer
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