Less Air

Less Air

The race to the bottom is a scary one.

Consider bags of cereal. They once were completely full of sugary goodness.

Now? Now they’re half filled, and some, even less.

10 years, 5 years or 3 months from now there will be even less cereal. 

The race to the bottom is to blame.

“If our competitor shaved a few ounces off, so will we. In fact, we’ll shave another ounce off because no one will know the difference.”

Except, of course, the competitor, who will then retaliate. And so we have a race to the bottom.

But the market is shifting, from those who want cereal to those who merely want less air.

They want a brand that steps away from the race to the bottom to invest in customer service and story and value and generosity – not because it makes them money, but because they can.

Stay Positive & See You At The Top

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Garth Beyer
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