I’ve tackled some large projects, some valuable pitches, and some heavy team building strategies over the last few years. What has made my practice flow and get me to quickly reach various successes (milestones I defined for myself) has been to have a single target I want to reach. Let me explain,
- If you want to work at a PR agency, choose one and make that your primary focus.
- If you want to be a blogger, choose your corner of the internet and put all your worry, anxiousness, concern, and attention into it, and not any other corner.
- If you want to travel to Nepal, put all you’ve got into making that happen.
BUT, be casually (not actively) open to new, different opportunities.
The benefit of working like this is that because you’re so focused on one thing, it makes anything and everything else seem nearly effortless.
- It’s painless to go into and interview at an agency you’re not 100 percent sold on and rock the heck out of the interview because you don’t see it as a defining moment in your life.
- When you’re focused on your corner of the internet, you’re more likely to get published on other outlets because you didn’t over think the writing you’ve submitted to them. You save the over thinking for what you publish on your blog.
- It’s easy to “apply and see what happens” for a trip to Cambodia, even though your primary target is Nepal.
When you’re so focused on achieving one goal, you’re more carefree, open, vulnerable, true, and authentic when it comes to other related options. When you have your one target, it makes hitting any other targets much easier.
The best projects I’ve landed were ones I never truly aimed for, thus never stressed about.
Bonus tip: If you’ve got a big pitch or event you’re hosting or project you’re selling at a certain time of day. Plan something larger to do after, something that scares you more. It’s the same concept as described above. When you set a lofty target or goal for yourself, it makes everything else much easier.
Stay Positive & How Will You Use This Life Hack To Your Advantage?
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