For a minute, give yourself the freedom of marketing something that might not work. That even down the long haul, maybe you would succeed, maybe not. Imagine the change you want to make, not whether or not you think you could. Clear?
Now fill in the blanks of either of these statements on behalf of your brand/business:
For people who believe _____, we give you a way to get there _____ (faster/cheaper/more reliably, etc.)
For people who believe ____, we want you to believe ____ instead.
The point of this exercise is to realize how much of a change you’re trying to make. Which statement holds more passion for you? Are you looking to change worldviews or get someone to switch a widget they already use?
It’s worth remembering that all the obvious changes have already been made and selling a different colored silly putty won’t get you far.
But it’s as difficult to get someone who is selfish to become selfless and it’s mighty hard to get a group of people who have had the same ideals for a thousand years to consider altering them.
However, there is a sweet spot in the middle. It’s your job to find it.
Stay Positive & Spare Some Change
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