Names As Vehicles


A name is simply a carrier, a vehicle.

Consider an actual vehicle, for example. You can be given any four wheeled automobile, but it’s not until you get in it and begin to drive that you feel. When you use what is named, that’s when you begin to associate memories and power and ideas with it. The name becomes something more than a name.

Sure, what you see and how it sounds and how it feels to the touch sends a signal, but signals are merely associations of the brain, not the heart.

At least, not the heart in a way that a meaningful experience can have. Signals give you an idea of what to expect, but only by going through the experience do you truly know.

You have an idea of what Airbnb is because people talk about it, but people talk about it because they have experienced it or know those who have. A name without an experience doesn’t carry much weight.

So go ahead and come up with a good name by the standard of one that sends a nice signal, but understand that the real meaning of it won’t come from the name, it will come from what people experience because of it, what it lives up to each and every day, and how it makes people feel.

A vehicle for meaningful impact, the gateway to memories, the touchpoint to something remarkable, that’s what a name is.

Stay Positive & For Those Who Need Help Coming Up With A Name: Wordoid

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Garth Beyer
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