New Experiences Shape Everything

There was a tiktok video in which the person joked that we can look at anything in the world and know what it would feel like to lick it.

Stupid. But they have a point.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) most of the experiences that shape who we are, how we behave, how we treat others isn’t based on what it feels like on our tongue. It requires us to experience it. Our imagination can’t do it well enough for us.

Giving a $100 to a complete stranger has a different emotional impact when we do it versus when we think about it. So does working in a coffee shop. Or being a parent.

Anything worth doing can’t be done via the imagination. Virtual reality will never change that. It may get us closer to the experience of licking it, but not all the way.

Stay Positive & By All Means, Imagine, But Best To Do Than To Imagine If There’s The Option

Garth Beyer
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