There Are No Wrong Answers

Permission To Suck

At a number of meetings and think tanks, I’ve seen a leader begin by saying that there are no wrong answers.

I like to refer to it as permission to suck.

The thing about the way the brain works is that it’ll take the freedom to start, but five minutes into the brainstorm, the amygdala takes over and starts shouting at you to shut up.

Ever think to yourself, “The ideas you’re thinking of are not as good as the ones already shared, so be quiet.” That’s the lizard brain talking.

At a brainstorm I was at yesterday (about beer, mind you) everyone had to constantly remind each other that “there are no wrong answers… There are no wrong answers.”

It’s a pity we have to be reminded. But, perhaps, we don’t.

Perhaps we don’t have to wait for permission to suck.

Perhaps we can give that permission to ourselves. (Big secret: we can)


Stay Positive & No Doubt It’ll Be Exhausting To Dance With Our Lizard Brain, But Worth it

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Garth Beyer
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