One Thing

One Thing

People often ask how I stay so busy (in the positive sense). And my answer is always this:

I start with one thing. I accept one invitation or offer to help someone or project I’ve been daydreaming about. I leap over the fear just once.

Because that one thing inevitably leads me to connect with others and those connections inspire other meaningful work.

A quick example.

Had I never volunteered to work on a local guidebook, I wouldn’t have been introduced to a remarkable author who I’ve since done work for. Had I not done that, I wouldn’t have learned about a specific group of people who have helped me in my marketing career with a new client, which wouldn’t had inspired a fresh idea for a book I’m writing.

If you’re stuck in a rut, simply start with one thing. That’s it. One.

Stay Positive & Because It Leads To Another, Leads To Another, Leads To Another

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Garth Beyer
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