One-Way Or Two-Way

Both paths can work.

One-way works when you give and don’t expect anything in return. Zig has been saying it for years, “you can everything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want in life.” Selflessness isn’t just impactful, it’s fulfilling, too.

The two-way path works for all the obvious reasons: all ships rise with the tide and you’re both working to rise the tide. It’s give and get and steadily challenging and fulfilling.

Now the question is begged… what doesn’t work?

Both paths can not work.

One-way doesn’t work when it’s constant take take take. Selfishness not selflessness.

Two-way doesn’t work when you’re heading in different directions. A tide is a tide; it can’t be split in half.

Stay Positive & Which Path Are You On?

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Garth Beyer
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