When we spend hours on Imgur, spend days watching kittens grow up, spend weeks reading blog posts, but never commenting on them or sharing them, we waste our online opportunity.
The Internet was built as a hub for connection. Sure people have profited from the information age and the ability to produce, seek and share knowledge, but the real kicker, the real opportunity is connecting the unconnected.
Instead of sending a chain email pronouncing imminent death if not forwarded in the next 10 seconds, you could use those ten seconds to send an email connecting two friends, you could start a FB group or an online book club or get a group message going of 5 people who you deem influential and build a master mind group.
Connecting people — that gives you the silver. Getting the connected to create something, to be something in their entirety, to do something remarkable — that gives you the gold.
- Sell the time of the mastermind group. It’s now a consulting group.
- Start an online book club and flash mob a book store dressed up as your favorite fictional characters.
- Connect those two friends and see what they learned from one another. You’ll learn something too.
There’s no shortage of people who can benefit from being connected. You can’t even call it a risk. So, what’s stopping you?
Stay Positive & Everyone Is Connected, But We Need You To Point It Out
- It’s The Best Day - February 22, 2025
- Attaching Data - February 21, 2025
- It Only Gets Harder - February 20, 2025