More Than You Can Chew

There’s a secret way fear speaks out to keep you safe, to prevent you from taking a risk, from putting yourself out there. It involves the feeling of being busy. There’s a dopamine release when someone acknowledges that you appear slammed. Being busy makes us feel needed, valued, and preemptively appreciated. But the busy we’re […]

More Active

See more than be seen. Listen more than hope you’re heard. Give more than you wait to be asked. People don’t want to be interrupted and they don’t want to do the interrupting. They want to know they’ve been listened to, that they’re understood, that you’re on their team.   Stay Positive & Fit Their […]

The More People Impact

The best tech, apps and software get better when more people use it. Facebook, DragonSoul, Unsplash, Snapseed. The same can be said for many businesses, too–the one’s that build a community are often the strongest, most profitable and longest-lasting. Subaru, Mobcraft, Basecamp, Firefox. It’s worth asking if your brand gets better when more people come […]

More Direction

Contrary to what we might assume, most people don’t want a literal map. They don’t want a step-by-step process. They don’t want their hand held. On second thought, it’s not that they don’t want any of that. It’s that they want something else more. The feeling of achievement, perhaps. Or the feeling of belonging. Or […]