Active Resistors

It’s great to be a knight in shining armor. It’s fulfilling to solve a problem fast.

That’s one kind of human personality.

The other that this one interacts with is often an active resistor.

When someone is being faced with a large change, they hate it right away. They want to resist it. They’re vocal about their emotions about the change.

Match this person with that knight in shining armor and you have a recipe for disaster.

Reason being? Active resisting is often short-term. They don’t want a problem solved. They want to be listened to.

There was a management change for a friend of mine recently. He was irate about it. Vocal. Pissed off. It took all my energy to NOT convince him of the benefits…to shut up and listen. After listening a bit, I told him to take the night and sleep on it and that we could talk about it more the next day. The next day came and he’d come to terms with the change and started to see the positive. No shining armor was ever needed.

Again, it’s so easy to try to swoop in and rescue others. Far better, though, for both parties energies to listen and let it sit at least for a night before a bag of solutions is opened.

Stay Positive & Active Resistor, Meet Active Listener

Why Overdo It?

There’s a lot of reasons to overdo something.

You’re bound to create a remarkable experience for a guest if you overdo it with the service.

You’re bound to be treated with more respect and love from your significant other if you overdo the ways you care about them.

You’re bound to benefit in some way down the road when you overdo it on that project at work.

Overdone actions get noticed and appreciated (though maybe don’t apply this concept to cooking steak).

The most important reason to overdo it IMO: because it’s fun.

It’s fun to treat others. Fun to surpass a goal. Fun to give more than expected.

Stay Positive & There’s Little Fun In A Perfect Amount

How Short Can You Make It

Can you cut 10k words from your novel?

Can you answer a question about the future of your business in no more than two sentences?

Can you write that email in one paragraph?

Short, of course, is not the goal. Getting it short enough that you feel that if you made it any shorter, the recipient would have less value out of it is the goal.

Find that feeling and you’ve found the shortest, most impactful path from a to b.

Stay Positive & Shorter Is Harder, Harder Is Better

A Reminder To Yourself

Writing for others is really just a smart way to remind yourself of the lessons you’ve learned or to stretch the imagination of your own mind.

Teach others is really just a smart way to build your own intellect on a subject.

Spending time with others is really just a way to overcome the feeling of loneliness of ourselves.

Hard to argue that any of these actions are selfish, right? But they are. And they are in the best way possible.

Stay Positive & Selfish By Way Of Selfless Is The Best Kind Of Selfish

Before It’s Needed

Far better to act now.

Before the boss does.

Before you get content and inaction becomes the normal pattern.

Before the iron cools off.

Before the lizard brain speaks up.

Before someone else does and gets the credit.

Before you’re distracted.

Before you finish reading this blog post.

Before it’s needed.

Stay Positive & Sooner The Better