It Might Be A Reflection

The way a person leaves your company might be a reflection of the culture you’ve built.

The way someone reacts vs. responds to your candor might be a reflection of the leadership mentality you’ve drafted.

It’s not always a reflection. People will be who they are. But it’s worth considering, if only for a few moments, that it is a reflection.

What would you do differently to change it? Make it more likely for the outcomes you want?

Stay Positive & No Culture Is Perfect Unless There’s A Blind Eye

The Special Ingredient

Responsibility is a bit addictive.

It works best when we take it ourselves.

But giving it in small doses may be exactly what someone needs to get going down the right path (or to simply avoid the wrong one).

“I’d like you to X during the meeting” is a great assignment to give your report. “I could use some of your help at the front desk” is impactful to.

Neither are demanding, but both carry a bit of responsibility.

Stay Positive & Use The Hook

Drawing It Out

You wouldn’t want to build out a shop without sketching it out.

So why would you write a novel without an outline?

Why would you enter a relationship without guardrails to your sense of self?

Why would you run a marketing campaign without considering what both success and failure look like?

You could guess how large of a deck you want built on your house, but the amount you discover when you actually draw it out is…well, incredibly defining, informative, challenging, inspiring…

Stay Positive & Winging It Is For Amateurs

What’s Your POV?

You can keep telling yourself no one wants to hear your point of view, but that’s just you hiding.

Someone is out there and the worst part is they don’t know what they’re missing.

A CEO of a company I admire posted his thoughts on a conference he attended. It’s the first time he’s done it. They’re real thoughts. They’re his thoughts (and probably a culmination of others’ thoughts from conversations, too, naturally).

It was inspiring. A rally cry to his organization and its customers. It’s a post that people who have read it would say they would be less informed/inspired than if they hadn’t.

Truth is, some would say the same to the idea that you’ve kept in the four walls of your head.

The ability to share a message may be free these days. The real cost is in not taking advantage of it.

Stay Positive & Sharing Is Caring, And We Know We Can Use More People Who Care

Filling Your Shoes

If you don’t take a risk and be forward with a prospect, some other sales rep will.

If you don’t make the time to work on that novel, some one else will with theirs and nab the spot on the digital shelf that could have been yours.

If you don’t give a heartfelt listening ear to your significant other, some other person will.

Your shoes are easier for someone else to fit in than you think.

Stay Positive & If You’re Going To Wear Them, Wear Them


You may have tried something already … but that was the past.

Is there a different way to go about it?

Is there someone else you can involve?

Have some external variables changed?

The fact something didn’t work before doesn’t always indicate it won’t work again.

When you bring old ideas to the table, you now have two things: a new challenge to ideate around those and simply more ideas.

The more you have, the likelier you are to strike gold.

You’ll be surprised how much gold you’ll find in old boulders.

Stay Positive & Applies To People Too