Our Reactions

Reactions are the worst. They’re built in an untimely manner, they’re forced, and solely fueled by the lizard brain. Reactions, at their best, are distractions. Distractions from listening, from caring, from having empathy. For better to have a response than a reaction. And you need only a moment to pause, put yourself in their shoes […]


Parkinson’s law. It’s an easily forgotten, but just-as-easily leveraged law. It’s the adage that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. Even when we know the P-Law, we often ask for more time, we push deadlines back and we give ourselves as much cushion as possible because the more cushion […]

Mentally Prepared

It’s tough to be completely prepared for anything. The only guarantee of a plan is that it won’t go as planned. And being totally mentally prepared for something? Fat chance. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. Mentally preparing yourself for a conversation or a day’s list of tasks does a lot to keep […]