Giving A Damn

Making it clear you give a damn is the best signal you can send in any attempt of progress or elevation or attraction.

You don’t have to be the smartest in the room.

Don’t have to wear the shiniest of jacket.

You don’t even need to be the one with the microphone to make a difference.

There’s simply no other emotional action that resonates with others as much as making it clear that you give a damn: about the mission, the future, them, yourself…. which is really the long way of saying that you give a damn about the moment.

Stay Positive & Do You Think They Know You Do?

Familiar Faces

One of the best feelings in the world: seeing someone you know.

It’s what powers conference attendance.

But it requires one thing: you have to have met someone already.

So the challenge of any organizer is to decide: are you building something that connects people who don’t know eachother? or connects people who do?

So the challenge of any attendee is to decide: am I here to connect with someone new? or to connect with people I already know?

Oh, how we forget that one leads to the other.

Let’s not.

And I forgot to mention another best feeling in the world: connecting two people who you know but don’t know eachother.

Stay Positive & What Connecting Will You Do Today?

Seeing Is More Than Believing

Watching the sun rise results in more than your belief that the sun is rising. It’s uplifting, positive; it changes your perception of the day. You’re a bit more optimistic.

Seeing ant and cockroach chemical spray bottles from the drive through window did more than make me believe there was a pest problem; I haven’t been back to the coffee shop since.

A messy house sends a signal. A website sends a signal. The gift you send sends a signal.

And the thing about signals? They ignite emotion.

It’s on us to make sure they ignite the emotions we want.

Stay Positive & What’ll You Show Today?

What Matters More Than We Think

How much you make doesn’t matter as much as how much you spend.

Brushing teeth for two minutes actually makes a difference rather than one minute.

Washing the car, vacuuming, polishing, regularly now will lead to a greater trade in or resale value later.

The thing about thinking and the importance of it is that nearly always what’s most important is some long game, future-benefit that makes the present action actually matter.

Stay Positive & Think Ahead


Reckless isn’t as bad as we’ve framed it up to be in our heads.

Sure it means a reckless person is unconcerned about the consequences of their actions.

But it’s not that they are unaware of them; it’s actually the opposite.

They are so aware that there is no concern. They’ve learned to dance with the fear and still move forward.

Stay Positive & Go Ahead, Be Reckless

Making Them Part Of It

Here’s the thing about having people feel involved: they don’t have to actually do anything if they don’t want.

What people desire is that they’ve been considered, acknowledged, appreciated, valued.

If you’re planning an event, ask them for ideas.

If you’ve got tough decisions to make, ask them their opinion on the right choice.

If there’s an idea you want to chase, ask them for feedback.

Regardless of what you act on after involving them, there is one guarantee: they’ll be more okay with it if you involved them from the git-go than if you didn’t.

Stay Positive & Who Are We Missing?