There’s not a single job description out there that is all encompassing. Not a single one covers all the facets that you’ll need to lean into. And certainly, there’s no description that could possibly cover all the potential you have to offer.
But much of what’s missing from a job description is unpredictable. The business doesn’t know where it will be when you hit your two-year mark just the same as you don’t know where your passion and curiosity will lead you to ideate around.
There is, however, one variable that is predictable and missing in every job description: internal relationship building.
Maybe they call it leadership. Maybe they say relationship building and mean external when they really mean internal. Maybe they guise it as management which is a specific industrial style of relationship building (or breaking, depending on how you use it).
The funny thing about the relationship building component though is that everything else outside the job description is dependent on that.
The better the relationships, the better everything you didn’t know you’d be doing or influencing becomes.
Stay Positive & It’s About The People