Doing Something A Thousand Times

Many of us get ourselves stuck in a situation requiring repetition, monotony and banal movement. Think about something you’ve had to do a thousand times or even a hundred times. Data entry. Licking envelopes. Picking four-leaf clovers. Opening every e-mail to make sure you don’t mistake something important for junk. What do you get out […]

A Chance For Change

With every event, PR strategy and celebration, you have a chance to create real change, not just make a profit, not just get new customers, not just have more people subscribe to your newsletter. During the Madison Winter Festival, American Family Insurance opened their DreamBank office on the square to divvy out free inspiration and […]

There’s No Point In Complaining About What Is Or What Was

I’ve joked around about complaining, but other than that, I don’t bring it up too often. The reason is simple. I don’t surround myself by people who complain, thus, I don’t feel obligated to find something to complain about. Nor do I end up complaining that so many people complain. There’s just no point in […]

Are You Ready?

You can’t get stuck on this. You can’t wait until you are. You can’t rationalize your way through it. Truthfully, you’re better off not being ready and moving forward anyway. Plus, often the best things in life we are never ready for. Why wait until we are?   Stay Positive & You’re Not Supposed To […]