Rushing It

Our brain only retains 15 percent of the information we consume when we’re rushing it.

That article we read quickly. That class we watched the videos on 2x speed. The podcast we listened to at 2.5x.

Alright, I made the 15 percent number up, but you believed it, didn’t you?

If it’s something worth doing, then it’s worth doing at a pace that ensures we not only have time to retain information, but breathing room for us to let our imaginations work between points.

It’s pretty damn rare to have a bright idea when you’re listening to a podcast at the fastest speed your platform allows.

Then again, if you’re optimizing for being able to say you consumed something rather than to share what you learned or ideated from it…

Stay Positive & Haste Makes Waste

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You really can’t get enough of them over an ongoing period of time.

Yes, getting a thousand reminders in a single day is obnoxious, but the sad part of ineffective leaders is that they think reminders are only warranted early on. Once you know, you know, right?

Technically? Yes. Emotionally? Not so much.

People need reminders that they are cared for. They need reminders of what the mission is. They need reminders of process and good behavior long after they’ve celebrated their 15th anniversary with a company.

If you’re in a leadership position, it’s worth starting your list now if you haven’t already; the list of all the things you ought to be reminding your team throughout the year.

Stay Positive & Those Are Boxes Worth Checking, Again And Again

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Are They Enjoying Themselves?

Oh how a marketer can focus on telling all the selling points.

And they focus on time spent on page and bounce rates.

Let’s not forget about sharing the backstory and the future innovations in motion.

Alas, many a marketer forgets to gauge their work by the joy one feels when reading/listening/consuming it.

Where there is joy, there are sales and time investments and loyalty.

Stay Positive & Let’s Not Forget To Make What We Do Enjoyable By Others

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With Time

With time you can get smarter and know more about a lot.

With time you can build up a true following.

With time you can write a book that changes the life of thousands.

With time you can achieve a lot.

Rather, with time and action.

Time can’t do much on its own.

It needs you to show up and put in the work, the reading, the connecting…

Stay Positive & Give Time A Hand

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Until It’s Interesting

Your project, copy, invention, website – you name it – will start to work at some point, but… is it interesting?

The real artists keep pushing the envelope until it is. The brands that are worth talking about do the same.

There’s no shortage of goods and services that work, but there is a shortage of goods and services that impress, wow and impact in a way that people can’t help but tell another about.

Stay Positive & Keep Going Until You’ve Made It Interesting

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Obvious You Care

It’s not easy to tell you care by how you price something.

But it is easy to tell how you care by how you answer the phone.

It’s not easy to tell you care by where you are located.

But it is easy to tell how you care by how clean your bathrooms are.

All the fine points of running a business signal that you want to run a business, but all the other points that don’t necessarily drive revenue are what show you care.

Funny enough, people like buying from people who they know give a damn.

Is it clear you do?

Stay Positive & Imagine That

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