Pain Point Pending

Pain Point Pending

If you have a caveat to your promise, you have a few options.

You can reveal the caveat after someone has committed to paying for your promise.

You can put the caveat in the front, so they know what they’re getting themselves into as they decide to commit. Preferably, not

Otherwise, you can remove the potential of the caveat becoming an issue at all.

Enable folks to subscribe for one month without auto enrolling them into an annual purchase.

Remove the week on your calendar that people can place orders you know you won’t be fulfilling.

Make the time to connect with someone when you’ve said you’re going to.

In a world with hundreds of other options, they’re a lot less likely to divvy out a second chance.

Not to mention, that the competition is catching up on eliminating pain points on the customer journey, and it’s either working to their advantage … or yours.

The race to removing any potential pain points sure beats racing to the lowest price.

Stay Positive & It’s All About Keeping Promises

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Garth Beyer
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