Part Of Something

Part Of Something

That’s what people want.

Maybe the something is community or a process or a success or simply a story, but they want to be part of it.

It’s rare that they want to be the entire something. That’s risky and just not them.

So it begs the question of how you’re getting them involved in your journey.

You can ask them questions, invite them to review a project, give them a gift (even if it’s merely time or a kind word).

I’m sure you have more to offer than you think, and there are so many out there who want to be part of what you’re doing.

It’s a tall order.

The beauty is once we open the door and make the connection, they often come back on their own accord, without incentive, because it’s the feeling they were after all along, anyway.

Same can be said for why you began your journey, too, couldn’t it?

Stay Positive & Part Of A Feeling

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Garth Beyer
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