The Path To Making The Right Decision

Making The Right Decision

Decisions are easy when you have the right information. What I’ve found it takes to make the right decision is to retrieve information from three sources.

  1. Your own subjective view of the situation. It’s business and it’s personal. Don’t discard the knowledge and experience about a situation that no one else can understand. The bigger the decision, the more knowledge only you have, and you’ve gotta come to terms with the fact other people will not be able to “get it.”
  2. The perspective of those doing the grunt work. Those “below” you, if you will, are the ones keeping you alive. The first to know a new plate isn’t working for customers is the wait staff. Ask a few of them what’s working and what’s not, and you’ll have acquired information critical to making the right decision.
  3. The objective insight of someone smart, but removed from the business. A fresh, untainted perspective is usually the final nail in the coffin of a poor decision. They’ll be able to tell you if you’re in too deep and are bias about the decision you’re leaning toward. Take their words to heart.


Stay Positive & A Right Decision Requires Three Perspectives, Do You Have Them All?

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Garth Beyer
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