Zappos and a few others revolutionized the way to handle problems. It’s not merely about their shipping policy. Nor is it how nice they are when you call them.
Say you’re at Target or Culver’s or some other physically established business, and you have a problem with a product or your meal. You have to go to the customer service desk or they have to phone the manager to get a solution. You’re fighting a battle on enemy territory. Most of the time you win, but does it really feel that way? Do you leave happy?
Where a solution gets hashed out surely is as important as how it gets hashed out, but neither are as important as how the person feels while hashing it out. When you walk up to the customer service desk, you’re on that store’s turf and, perhaps, feeling mad and uncomfortable. Zappos (and so many other online retailers now) do so well because they meet you at your home, where you feel more comfortable. But, we can’t all be online businesses, nor should we.
What if the restaurant resolved your problem in a remarkable way? What if they tried accommodating you in a way that leaves you feeling it wasn’t a big bump in your day? What if they replicated in person the same phone experience you might have with Zappos when you call with a problem?
Sure Zappos and online businesses meet you at home, but what’s stopping other businesses from making you feel the same?
Stay Positive & Seems The Best Solution Is To Make Your Home Theirs
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